Monday 4 May 2020

life from a window

Life from a window 
As the entire nation is celebrating partial lifting of lockdown, I can’t help but think of Kashmir, especially Kashmiri children! 
Kashmir, the paradise on earth as quoted is actually an open air prison, a deserted paradise dotted with troops and barricades. 
Kashmiris have lived thru intense lockdowns, clampdowns rather; Can I imagine living without the Internet and communications, under a prolonged military siege, my children not having access to education and being deprived of a normal life, staying in my own house as a prisoner for months? People in kashmir have lived that life, not once, but many a times, it is a mere return to de facto status quo. 
Is it paradigmatic to compare Kashmir clampdowns to corona lockdowns? Perhaps not. The revolt by migrant labour exemplies that the rights of the people of Kashmir are less important than the rest of india or perhaps the rights don’t exist. The truth is every human life should matter and it's about time we get humanised. 
I have always viewed and opined AFSPA, terrorism, militancy, article 370 and the valley in general from the main stream media imagination. But tonite I am ashamed to have had those opinions, as I was the unaffected party not having to face the consequences of my ideologies or opinions and Kashmir was a mere spectator sport. 
As a mother of 2 young children, I hope we find a way to protect the children of Kashmir and give them a future they deserve! Let the last 30 years be not a template for future. Let them not grow up looking at the world from their windows. Let them breathe ! 
This post does not reflect my affiliations, allegiance and also does not provide solutions to the conflict. 

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