Monday, 4 May 2020


As I free myself from the shackles of Netflix, I embarked on a clutter crackdown in the house inspired by various shows. And boy! Am I surprised or am I surprised? 
I am a shopaholic, workaholic and alcoholic 😝, far away from the minimalistic and sustainable thoughts I have right now. I grew up with the “MORE” philosophy, more of everything is what makes me happy! With 5 weeks to introspect and retrospect, I realised what a unhealthy relationship I have built with material things. I am finding it hard to let go of things/de clutter as I write, some have sentimental value, some have monetary value and some have some goddamn value as perceived by my old hoarding mind. It manifests everywhere, from pantry all the way to the bathrooms. 
I feel so overwhelmed with all the choices I have made, choices which can impact the future of our children. This pandemic gave an insight on how weak we are, weak as the weakest link in the chain, is it the Mother Nature sending signal that this is probably the last chance humans have to save themselves. 
This earth day, I have made a commitment towards conscious consumption, sustainability and a reduced ecological footprint. Because we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children! 
#earthday #declutter #sustainability #sustainableliving #ecologicalrestoration #ecologicalfootprint #aftercoronavirus #coronathoughts #consciousconsumption #consciousconsumerism #lifegoals

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